2015 Autumn Peacekeeper Circle Training: 30 new enthusiastic Kinder-5th grade, teachers and approximately 700 children are being trained to use PeaceKeeper circles in their classrooms. Two new schools are completing training for their entire building. Now six entire Elementary Schools are committed to using this Restorative Justice practice supporting social emotional wellness in and beyond the classrooms.
Refresh training 20 second year PeaceKeeper teachers are being supported in their facilitation skills to assist with keeping fidelity to the Peacekeeper teachings and language.
In-service for classified and other school staff: A new component was created for PeaceKeeper buildings because so many adults interact with the students on a daily basis. This includes dozens of Specials teachers, Aids, Para professionals, Integrated Service providers, Counselors and Psychologists who can all help the students use their peacekeeper skills effectively.
Many report hearing the children use these skills sucessfully around the school especially on the playground.
"Making Amends Makes Friends"
Most exciting is the arrival of this read-a-loud book written by Kiri Saftler, illustrated by Chelsea Glanz. It took 9 months to birth and is now available! It's a book for all ages encouraging the use of language that "builds bridges rather than walls" demonstrating the language taught in PeaceKeeper and is applicable to all human relations. To purchase: go to the home page www.Peacecircles.com.