If "what we focus on grows", let's focus our attention on peacemaking practices which encourage compassionate interpersonal communication and improve listening skills illuminating genuine happiness. Peace begins in each heart.

TLC Peace circles are designed to promote equality, respect and tolerance. The goal of TLC Peace Circles is to bring a diverse group of people together in a safe environment to share experiences to have a greater sense of understanding for one another. Participants learn to appreciate similarities and respect differences. The goal is to break down barriers and stereotypes and facilitate honest dialogue that will bring members closer together. Participants share life experiences and work toward creating caring community and experience a feeling of connection.

People experience a sense of community and purpose by focusing on Peace, especially when committing to a weekly reminder and support system to keep peacemaking a priority in one’s life and by touching others through their actions and attitudes. Some experience a sense of community and purpose while focusing on Peace. We remind ourselves, and others to keep internal and external, peace-making a priority in our daily actions and attitudes. When we focus on peace building we tangibly observe and appreciate the effects as it ripples out into our worlds.

“Bearing Witness” to one another’s stories and experiences without interruption through “Deep Listening” allows judgment and prejudice to fall away and arouse curiosity, compassion and acceptance of other’s perspectives. The magic of the council circle process is patience, trust and respect.

TLC Peace Circle facilitation is appropriate for established or newly forming groups. This is an innovative way to bring a sense of connectedness to your work environment.
Questions such as “What does (peace, service, community, responsibility, relationship) mean to you” are examples of inquiries that may be explored.

The typical format uses a simple, powerful process, which provides a guideline for exploring questions around your own personal relationship to inner and outer peacemaking. Circles meet for 60 - 90 minutes per week for six weeks. TLC Peace Circles encourage individuals to personally explore their own unique style of being in the world and how it feels to be both in and out of peace. The process encourages awareness and compassion for self and others by exploring relationships, interactions and internal well-being.This awareness alone can lead to feeling more peaceful

Fort Collins, Colorado



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